About Us
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About Us

EKOM International

EKOM International is an automotive care product company that manufactures affordable and quality automotive care products for commercial and personal use. With our operations branched out in numerous spheres, we specialize in offering automotive products (car wax, shellac, epoxy steel) and services ( repair and servicing).


Armed with an experience of about 14 years in the automotive care industry, EKOM International has always been revered for its state-of-art services and products. Being a family business, at EKOM International, we staunchly believe in practicing the philosophy of “Top Quality at Best Price”. Perhaps, that’s the primary reason why we have a loyal customer base.

Who are we?

As a dynamic organization, EKOM International consists of various verticals like Logistics, Sales, Finance, Engineers, Manufacturers, Distributors, Researchers and many more. However, at its core, we are all a bunch of creators, thinkers, designers and innovators who are striving to provide a better automotive care range to our end users.

Additionally, our loyal clients, investors, partners and other stakeholders constitute to the extended family of EKOM International.

Why EKOM International?

While there are numerous automotive care companies in the market, here’s a list of benefits that make EKOM International the best choice out of all!

  • Budget-Friendly Prices
  • Wide Range of Product Options
  • Unique and Functional Products
  • A Dedicated Support Team for all kinds of Assistance
  • Total Quality Management of all Products

Harnessing the power of technology and innovation, EKOM International is set on a mission to redefine the quality of the automotive product range.


Intending to provide quality service and value for money, EKOM International aims to be one of the leading automotive care company. That's the ballpark that we aim to achieve soon.


EKOM International believes in ethical and fair business operations. Hence, the foundation of EKOM International consists of core values like:


Every penny invested by our stakeholders and clients is valuable for us. Thus, EKOM International integrates transparency to every individual associated with it.


There's no survival without innovation. At EKOM International, our employees work 24/7 to innovate products in accordance with changing market requirements.


As stated earlier, we are strictly against the policy of cutting corners. Irrespective of the task, every employee of EKOM International has a passion for excellence.


We understand the value of sustainable and environmentally friendly practices. Thus, as far as possible, our organization ensures that we protect and nurture the environment by being a socially responsible organization.