Magnum Gasket Shellac
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Magnum Gasket Shellac

Popular as an economic sealant, Magnum Gasket Shellac is a solid setting liquid that repairs, seals and coats various types of gaskets. With their supreme sealing reliability, this shellac offers optimum fuel resistance and saves plenty of resources.

It makes up for an ideal leakproof joint in cylinder heads. Once the joints are sealed with this product, no water, air, or anti-freeze coolant can penetrate and loosen sealed with this cement.

Areas of Usage: Industrial, Automotive


  • The product is an eye, skin and respiratory irritant. Avoid skin and eye contact.
  • Keep away from the reach of kids.
  • The product needs to be stored in a cool and dry place.
  • It contains highly flammable chemicals, keep away from direct flame.