Magnum Radiator Stop Leak Powder
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Magnum Radiator Stop Leak Powder

Safeguarding your automotive’s cooling system against rust and corrosion, our Magnum Radiator Stop Leak Powder offers prompt radiator leak fix solution. Owing to its versatility, our product can easily be used with all gasoline and diesel engines of cars.

Travelling up the trunk, this leak powder is safe to be used all kinds of fluids used in an automotive’s cooling system. Additionally, it also eliminates rust and contaminants settled on the radiator.

Areas of Usage: Automotive


  • Store in a dry and cool place away from direct flame or heat.
  • In case of serious leaks, seek professional help.
  • Keep away from the reach of children.
  • Seek immediate medical help in case of direct contact with the product.
  • Shake the product well before using it.